Colour is a very important factor in all types of design, including websites. It is so
important that entire areas of study are dedicated to color theory and color psychology.
The right choice of colors can help your website stand out from the competition, and leave a
lasting effect on your customer. Here are some tips for using color on your website.

Depending on who your customer is, you will want to use a different set of colors on your
website. Studies show that most women are more interested in the colors blue, green, and
purple, while most men are interested in blue, black, and green.
Depending on the type of product you are selling, you may want to use more of certain colors, and less of others.
Different colors can also evoke various emotions in your customer.
For example, the
the color blue is shown to represent trust and loyalty. Blue also makes customers feel more
calm and relaxed. Examples of the color blue in website design are observed in companies
like Facebook, Paypal, and RBC.
Contact us today for all of your digital marketing and website design inquiries.
Salar Banitaba
Digital Marketing Specialist